Monday, July 14, 2008

Prague... here at last!

How I have missed my computer, and writing on its lovely, non-foreign keyboard!

We have been in Prague now for four days. We arrived safely, of course, after only a slightly bumpy first-flight. We had a layover in Brussels, and I went in search of frites and beer. Sadly, it was 8am in Brussels, so if there was anyplace that served their famous frites, they were not serving them at that hour. I did, however, find a beer and a weird salami snack – a bag of salami balls, whose taste resembled slim jims, but were just in ball form. Weird. But good, with the beer. Great breakfast.

Sadly, we got a little tied up with our post-beer cigarette outside of the airport when we realized we needed to start heading for the gate, as our connecting plane was leaving in a half hour. Who knew the airport was so big! We were only just going through the metal detectors and Andy was getting wanded, when I heard our names being paged overhead. Ack! We ran forever and finally made it to our gate, only to be put on a bus, and be driven across the airfield (I’m sure there’s a more appropriate word for that, but I can’t think of it now) to our smallish plane. There we made it to our seats, only to sit for 20 minutes. Ugh. Anyway, we made it to Prague in good spirits and were met by the family Spacek and drove home.

Since then we have been sleeping, relaxing and eating. Today, thankfully, the exercise started with a two mile hike through the woods from Andy’s parents town of Ujezd nad Lesy (which, in Andy’s translation means “Ditch next to the Woods”) to the next town over, Klanovice. The walk through the woods is lovely, trees cover us so even if it’s sunny we are not suffering from heat, and the path is wide and the woods are beautiful.

Exercise is an important element in this trip, because I have gotten really fat and blamed it on many things (dad dying, stressful work, graduate school classes, enjoying food, laziness, etc.) but have seen this trip as a chance to redeem myself, and go through some kind of period of health-enlightenment. I also have this theory, after going on countless diets and filling my home and myself with endless amounts of light/lite, low fat, fat free, nonfat items, that this whole processed light-foods scene is a complete and total conspiracy. I exercised during these periods and still lost an incredibly little amount of weight, if any at all, and always gained it back.

When I came to Prague for the first time several years ago, I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted (Andy’s mom cooks a lot and pushes a lot of food and sweets on us) and gained but one small measly pound the whole time. I also walked a ton, and yes, it was many years ago and no, I’m not getting any younger, and, yes, as we get older we don’t lose weight as easily… but I’m convinced it was because I ate hardly a processed, light-type of food at all. Everything was whole-fat this and whole-fat that and fresh and good. So, in an effort to lose weight I’m going to be closely tracking how much I walk/exercise, and exactly what I eat. I have a scale here, which weighs me in kilograms which I convert to pounds, and I’m going to see what happens, and what works and what doesn’t.

Since I know you’re dying to know what the outcome is, I’ll keep you posted.

Before I sign off for now, I’d like to just go over my goals for this trip, since I think writing them here will help me be on track for achieving them.

1. Make running a part of my daily routine (this is where that 2 mile walk today is leading up to… because I am not a runner at all, I hope to be incorporating running into my near-daily walk in the next two weeks, alternating between running and walking, and then leading into more running, and you can see where this is going).

2. Write some fiction (this is likely to be a young adult novel that I really need to flesh out so I won’t say more… although there’s also a children’s story in the works, written by Andy and I together, about two of our favorite animals).

3. Learn Czech (I’ve put it off for 10 years. No more excuses.)

I’ll write more soon, because I have to tell you about this f*cking rooster.

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